Is it truly selfish to want you back again?
I could not calm your mind, I could not ease your pain;
I thought my love would be enough to keep you here with me;
But now I know that was never going to be.
I loved you, I disliked you, we argued and we kissed;
Your face, your touch, your scent forever I shall miss;
To hold you in my arms again, my soul no longer lost;
I'd pay the price and gladly have no worry to the cost.
They say that life gets better and time will ease the pain;
They're fools who cannot see the truth, it can never be the same;
No daytime and no nighttime just hour on hour on hour;
And time has no more meaning now life's not sweet it's sour.
Some think we have a life-force or a soul some others say;
If I had one I know it died that dreadful, dreadful day;
Sometimes I know I hurt you, I know that was so true;
But please forgive me for those wrong
Done By: Collin Jarratt