A day does not go by without thinking of you.
I think of the past and I feel happy and sad.
You both worked hard to take care of us.
My three brothers and I had fun growing up.
I grew up, fell in love and got married.
I was busy with my every day routine.
Taking care of the house, my husband and son.
The years started to go by so fast.
Before I knew it you were both very old.
I wished I had spend more time with you.
You gave all your time, love and care to us.
But I was too busy to even visit you two.
Now that both of you are dead and buried,
I visit your grave and think of the past.
What I would not give to see you again.
I wish I could go back to the past.
I would spend every day with you two.
I would give you my time and my care.
To make sure that you were happy and well.
Just like you did with my brothers and me.
Done By: Maria Strouza Vasiliou